Calm The Chaos
Webinar series
4 ONLINE Webinars for parents and guardians
Starting 28th March 2020.
£10 per webinar (or £35 for all)
Missed any of the 4 Webinars? Sign up for all 4 and you will have access to recordings of the missed sessions.
Webinar 1: Getting Kids to Listen Without Losing Control
If you have tried time-outs, taking away toys, grounded teens, taken away privileges and you still find yourself yelling – and nothing seems to work … And nagging and reminding can take a toll on your stress levels and yelling just makes you feel guilty. On this awesome webinar I will share with you what gets kids to listen, without nagging or yelling. Join this webinar to get your family back on track the peaceful way insha Allah.
Webinar 2: Managing Change and Loss
How does change affect adults and children? Does it have an impact on mindset and well-being? Do children experience loss? Any change can give rise to a sense of loss and grief, which often requires healing. Join this webinar to explore responses to these questions and more!
Webinar 3: Beyond the Chaos – Parenting and Mental Health
With the current extraordinary situation families are in, with the possibility of being confined within the home – many parents have requested this webinar to help navigate the mental health and well-being of families.
This webinar will explore a family well-being toolkit to see through these difficult times to times of calm.
Webinar 4: Parenting Through Conflict
In this webinar you will gain an insight into reasons for conflict (Such as sibling rivalry, parental conflict etc). This will lead to an understanding of how anxiety can impact on parenting and relationships. Join this webinar to explore together how one can overcome conflict to take care of one’s well-being and that of the children.

About Mahera Ruby, PhD
Author | Personal Development Coach | Specialist Parenting Coach | Community Organiser | Leadership Trainer and Mentor | Motivational Speaker
Mahera is a mother to three boys, a daughter in-law and a grandmother. She is passionate about living and sharing a vibrant love of faith and community with her family and her community. She has spent the best part of her voluntary and professional life talking and listening to people from all walks of life. She has always been interested in helping people overcome challenges, expand their experiences and meet their true potential. Her interest in people and their stories led to a career as a researcher, a personal development coach, and a specialist parenting coach.
Mahera coaches professionals, young people, parents and individuals who are seeking to make change, personally develop, grow and maximize their strengths, reach their potential and achieve results. She is keen to develop strong connected families, community leaders and vibrant community organisations.
Mahera completed her PhD in 2015, focusing on intergenerational learning in three-generation families whose origins are in Bangladesh. She has a BSc in Chemistry, a PGCE, and an MEd in Education . She is currently a Teaching Fellow at the University College London, Institute of Education.